I guess the main reason being was because I was so unfit, I knew I would be out of breath in minutes, would be sweating and bright red in the face, and everything would start aching.
I really saw no enjoyment in it.
But then we got into photography, and wildlife and nature. I was starting to enjoy the world around me, and walking to explore it without even realising, and when I did finally realise, I then also realised I enjoyed it.
Walking helped me relax, it made me feel peaceful, I could lose myself in my thoughts, didn't have to really concentrate on what I was doing. I also then started to notice that infact health wise it was having a major effect. I was no longer getting out of breath, sweating and bright red. Instead it made me feel alive, and strong. I would challenge myself to walk further each time, and love it. The world is a beautiful place, but more often than not it passes you by unless you use those two things on the end of your legs to go explore it, and it is so worth it.
Walking is free, there are not many things that are these days ... so make the most of it.
Our walk today was along the creeks of Mayland in Essex, leading to the River Blackwater. It was a hard walk, I constantly bitched about 'the most unfriendly footpaths in the world' as they really weren't the best, obviously not walked often and very overgrown and lumpy bumpy, nearly spraining our ankles on a number of occasions, but it was worth it. The views over the creek, along the saltmarshes, the birdlife and the boating, was so beautiful, when you dared to look up rather than keep your eyes on where your feet were heading, you were certainly rewarded. It took us just under 3 hours, allowing for a couple of stops to admire our surroundings (and stop me bitching and moaning!). We certainly felt like we had had a good workout.
Sunday morning breakfast in this house this morning consisted of half a grapefruit, grilled and topped with cinnamon, together with two slices of wholemeal Nimble topped with wholenut peanut butter and Marmite.
Grapefruits botanical name translates as 'fruit of paradise'. They come in either red, pink or white flesh, although the red flesh is meant to have the most benefits as they are higher in anti-oxidants. They are low in calories, high in fibre and phytonutrients. They help regulate blood sugar levels, improving insulin sensitivity and aid fat loss, containing a flavonoid called Naringin which helps to stimulate the liver to produce fat burning enzymes. They aid in digestion owing to their acidic properties. Half a grapefruit has over 100mg of fresh vitamin C. They will help control your hunger and allow your body to burn the carbohydrates you have eaten more effectively. It is believed they can help protect against colon cancer, prevent kidney stones, lower cholesterol. They have so many more benefits I could go on and list, but you can now see just why they are indeed known as 'fruit of paradise' and should definitely be included in your daily diet. (However, some medications, such as statins, react with grapefruit negatively, so always consult your GP if in doubt).
Today's contained frozen raspberries, frozen natural yogurt, fresh strawberries, almond milk, cinnamon and a teaspoon of a new ingredient, coconut oil. This is a cold-pressed oil made from the fresh flesh of coconuts, which is high in lauric acid and billed as the 'healthiest oil on earth'. Will touch on it more in another blog, I think I have educated you enough today!
I also had some seeded oatcakes which I topped with reduced fat lemon and coriander houmous and some sunblushed tomatoes.
Thank goodness I made enough Quorn and Bean pie yesterday to have the rest for tonight's dinner, as I really didn't feel like cooking anything else. So we had this, with some steamed tenderstem broccoli, and it was even nicer than yesterday!
Thanks again for reading!
Thanks again for reading!
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