One of the very best things I have noticed since switching to my healthy eating lifestyle is the condition of my skin.
I have always, always been very prone to spots, acne actually, and it has been the bane of my life. When I hit 40 last year still with a face of pimples I thought it was really never going to end, I had even been known at times to refuse to go out somewhere as I was so conscious of them.
And I was never one to just leave them to go on their own, I had to pick them!!! Luckily as I have always moisturised since young they haven't left scars.
Now in the mornings I cannot get used to being able to do my make up so quickly without spending ages trying to make sure every single spot was covered. It has really added to my confidence too, another reason why I now walk with my head up high.
Although acne is mainly influenced by hormones and diet is thought to have a limited effect, a generally healthy diet can help influence hormone balance and aid the skin in healing when spots do appear.
A hunter-gatherer type diet of lean meats, fish, vegetables, wholegrains and no refined or packaged food is far more beneficial to your skin than a diet high in sugary and processed foods.
The types of foods that can help reduce symptoms for acne sufferers are:-
Polyunsaturated oils, found in oily fish, plant oils and nuts and seeds, rich in Omega 3. You would think oils would make your skin more greasy, but that isn't the case. Although they should obviously be kept in moderation, they are essential to maintain healthy skin, hair and nails.
High Water Content Vegetables, such as cucumber, can help by flushing out the nasty pore-clogging toxins.
Vitamin A loaded vegetables such as carrots and sweet potatoes are good for an overall detox and repairs and maintain skins cells. Mango's are another good source.
Avocado, my favourite raises its fantastic head again. It is rich in essential oils and B-Complex vitamins that nourish your skin inside and out. The contain Niacin (Vitamin B3) which is an anti-inflammatory which soothes irritated skin.
Oysters, I absolutely adore oysters, took me a while to bite the bullet and try one but once I did I was hooked. They are full to bursting with zinc, a number one fighter against acne. Zinc controls the release of male hormones which can cause acne (would be down to something male huh!) and also helps your body absorb Vitamin A. Other sources, although none as high as oysters, are crab, pumpkin seeds and other nuts, beef, dark chicken and turkey meat, pork , spinach, courgettes, mushrooms, asparagus, leafy greens, oats and grains.
Yogurt, such as greek yogurt that packs natural probiotics helps to prevent bad bacteria forming in your body which can lead to acne.
Water, my absolute favourite drink, by keeping your body hydrated all day long helps flush out bad toxins and also helps keep skin hydrated too, keeping it looking healthy.
Dark Chocolate, yep, you read that right, chocolate can be good for your skin! A good quality dark chocolate, obviously eaten in moderation, boats anti-oxidants, these work to shield your skin from free radical damage. Oh yes, there is a god!! I keep a bar of Green and Black's Dark chocolate in my fridge at all times, take a small chunk every now and then, just to satisfy the chocolate craving, but now I can also say I am literally feeding my face too!
As my way of eating now contains the majority of these things, it is really no surprise that my skin has finally decided to play ball, it is practically glowing, another great benefit from my new healthy lifestyle.
This mornings breakfast was some sliced up field mushrooms, dry fried letting them cook in their own water, with lots of white pepper, on top of 2slices of Nimble wholemeal topped with flora extra light and a lovely splodge of tommy k!
If you love mushrooms, which I do, you will love this!
I had woken up early this morning feeling very sick, it passed once I got up but came back after eating breakfast, but soon passed again, so hopefully not a bug ... and definitely not pregnant!
So all I had for a mid morning snack was a banana, and it seemed to help settle my tummy!
Only managed to eat one though owing to unhappy tummy.
Didn't bother with an afternoon snack, went shopping after swimming so didn't really have time, plus we were going out for dinner this evening!So, this was my absolutely gorgeous starter, called Imam Bayaldi. Oh my god it was so good, very slow cooked aubergines, courgettes and onions, gently spiced and served with chickpeas, golden sultanas and greek yogurt with some crispbread to scoop it up. I loved it, totally my sort of food, amazing, so much flavour!
For my main I was very pleased to see they had locally caught skate on the menu with a caper butter sauce and seasonal veg.
Skate is my favourite fish, although I only had it at home the other night, I will always choose this if it is on. There were actually two wings on this plate and both so thick and meaty, absolutely delicious.
I didn't purposefully choose healthier options, they are just my sort of food and my preferred flavours. I never like heavy meat dishes when I eat out, fish will always be my first choice or a vegetarian option, I always prefer the flavours.
However, I certainly didn't go healthy for dessert. This restaurant has always done THE best chocolate brownies, and I was determined to have one whatever! However, both my husband and I were so full from our first two courses, we decided to share one ... feast your eyes on this....
A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!!!! And worth every mouthful ..... and yes, I definitely did share ... some of it!!!
Thank god the sickie feeling had passed!!
Normally Friday is a double day, an hours gym followed by an hours swim, but owing to feeling a bit ickie earlier today I decided not to push it, and just went for a swim instead. I was considering not doing anything, but I knew if I didn't go I would kick myself as I was really looking forward to a swim. Swam for about 45 minutes and then went into the steam room. A lovely end to the week.
Thanks again for reading
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