Was doing a double day today as had to pick husband up from work earlier, so rather than drive all the way home to come back out again soon after, I decided to just stay longer in the gym, an hours resistance training followed by an hours swimming. Will be doing that again tomorrow too.
One of the PT's came and had a chat with me today whilst I was working out, asking how I was getting on. I said how much I love it, but that I do not enjoy the cardio machines, I still give them a go every now and then, but they bore me, and I have to enjoy what I am doing to stay interested.
She suggested trying different programmes on the cardio machines, challenging myself a little more, and I have agreed to let her show me next week when she is back in. I hope she isn't just trying to get me to agree to her giving me some PT, I don't want that, I don't respond well to somebody telling me what to do, silly I know, but I have to do things in my own time at my pace and my choice, otherwise I won't enjoy it and will stop, and I am loving it too much to let that happen. I do understand that I need to give my body more challenges so that it doesn't get too used to the exercises I am doing and become static, but as my great friend Jen said, who is a PT herself and is somebody I will listen to , I can do that by upping what I already do in the pool and with my walking, both which I love. I do still feel like I could give them more, especially the fitter I get. But will give it a go on Tuesday with the cardio machines and see how I get on.
Caribbean porridge, made with porridge oats, oatbran, chia seeds, chopped almonds, roasted coconut shavings, chopped stem ginger and cinnamon cooked with almond milk.
Served topped with fresh mango and more cinnamon. Made my heart sing!!
And was so filling saw me right through to lunch!
I love fish pates, especially smoked salmon or smoked mackerel or crab pate, they are gorgeous, but normally made with lots of cream and butter.
I am going to a food festival at the weekend where they always have THE best fish pates for sale which I would not normally be able to resist. So I decided to give it a go at making my own, low fat version.
I had some poached smoked salmon which I mixed with a couple of tablespoons of Quark (a fat free soft cheese), a good squeeze of lemon juice, half an avocado and some chopped sunblushed tomatoes. Honestly, it tasted amazing, every bit as good as the full cream versions.
So I potted it up in a little tub and took it to work for my lunch to spread on a couple of Dr Karg's seeded crackers. Definitely won't be tempted at the Food Festival this weekend now, I know how to make an equally delicious version, ok, still quite high in fats with the salmon and avocado, but good, beneficial fats.
I followed this with a banana, no further snack was needed this afternoon.
So knocked up my fabulous Quorn bolognese and wholewheat pasta. Full of asparagus, mushrooms, peppers, tomatoes and courgettes with Quorn mince and a sprinkle of freshly grated parmesan.
We love it, and I made enough to have some to take for my lunch tomorrow too, happy days!!
I have already covered the exercise for today at the start of this blog. As I said, I did a double today, an hours gym followed by an hours swimming. Am considering doing swimming everyday now to get maximum benefit after the resistance training on weights days. I will push myself more on the days I don't do resistance training, but even doing just 60 lengths I think will be a great benefit every other day.
At the moment I do swimming Monday, Wednesday and Friday and resistance training Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. It's worth giving it a go, it will hopefully make my body step up again. It makes me feel so good. My rest days, (well, non-gym days) are the weekends, I can recover then!!
Best go finish off the housework now, such fun!!
Thanks again for reading
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