When I joined the gym in May I had my body fat measured, it was at a dreadful 48%. That means almost half my body was fat!!
I had it measured again today, it read 39%, how fantastic is that!! Nearly a 20% drop!!
I know 39% is still to high, but hey, whatever I am doing is working and it's going in the right direction, and this just spurs me on to keep on going.
I don't weigh myself, I really do not know what I weigh now, it isn't important to me, I have no scales anyway, I threw them away after fretting over them too much and finding comfort in food everytime they told me what I didn't want to know, now it is just a number and does not tell me how fit I am.
Not all people that are classed as 'skinny' are necessarily fit. You could put an 8 stone woman in the gym who never works out and has no muscle tone, against me, and I would probably run rings around them. Plus, they may not have as much subcutaneous fat (the fat that lays underneath the skin), but they may have more of the hidden, and more dangerous, visceral fat (the fat that surrounds the inner organs).
So weight is not important to me, I have focused on that for too long and it's only ever had negative effects on me.
I don't want to be 'skinny' as much as I don't want to be 'fat', I just want to be 'fit' and I want to be 'strong', and that is what I am continuing to focus on.
I woke up tired this morning, and really had to drag my arse out of bed when the alarm went off at 5.30. That's not like me, I am usually awake before the alarm and raring to go, but I have had trouble sleeping since we returned from holiday, no idea why, my bed is pure luxury and I adore it, but whilst away I was sleeping on a rock hard uncomfortable lump, maybe my body is just trying to readjust to luxury!!
Frozen raspberries and blueberries, almond milk, chocolate protein powder, stem ginger and cinnamon, blitzed up until thick and smooth, ice cold and delicious!! Smacks you in the face with energy!!!
Also had some wholemeal toast topped with peanut butter, marmite and banana, certainly got my body going :)

I did have to move the pot to my drawer today to stop me eating more!!

Today I mixed some in with some spinach leaves, roasted almonds and avocado.
I then made the most gorgeous salad dressing using a little walnut oil mixed with a raspberry vinegar.
All I can say was, this was a total taste sensation!! (sorry about the bad pic!)
I felt ravenous after a mammoth swim this afternoon, so when I got home I had two Dr Karg seeded spelt crackers topped with some crab meat, certainly hit the spot!!
Mix some crushed fennel seeds and freshly grated parmesan into the mince and mix well.
Take little 'portions' of the mix and roll into balls, try and keep quite small and roll tight.
Place them on a plate and then put in the fridge to firm up a little, this will help towards stopping them falling to pieces as you cook them.
Heat a little rapeseed oil in a large pan and then add the balls, gently turning till browned all over, or shaking the pan, try not to handle them too much or they will break up.
Add some chopped up red onion, a chopped up red pepper, some chopped up asaparagus and mushrooms to the pan, and cook a little more until veg softens a little. Then add a can of chopped tomatoes and a drizzle of balsamic vinegar andlet it simmer away until the sauce reduces a little.
Cook some wholewheat pasta in a rolling boil and then simply serve......
Absolutely delicious!!
Wednesday's are all about swimming for me, a break from the gym and I give it my all in the pool.
80 lengths today, would have done more but a friend came in and tempted me into the jacuzzi for a catch up, not that I took much persuasion!! But 80 lengths in our pool is a mile, so was happy with that.
I always find the first 10 lengths so hard and they seem to take forever, but after that they just get better and better and the time flies by and I really, really love it.
I really noticed the change in my shape too today in my costume, my top belly, under my boobs, is definitely a lot flatter and no longer sticks out further than they do, it actually goes in, was pleased with that observation, haha!!
Now looking forward to tomorrow's run .... never ever thought I would be saying that!!
Thanks again for reading
This was me today by the way, I think I look tired .... but happy!!!
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