So, Tuesday is a gym day, which means I like to set my day up with a fill of carbs.
I love peanut butter, always have done, its fabulous! Very calorific, but very healthy and full of energy, ideal to fuel your burners before a good workout. The calorie breakdown in pb is 70% fats, 14% carbs and 16% protein. However, most of the fats are monounsaturated and are shown to improve the cholesterol profile by lowering 'bad' LDL cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein). This effect is compounded by peanut butter also containing polyunsaturated fats, which in turn help raise the good HDL cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein), making it a very good cholesterol regulator.
So, that's the science part ... this was my breakfast!
I'm definitely a marmite lover... I adore it! From very very young I can remember it being favourite of mine and have never grown out of it! Getting home from school and having marmite on toast cut into soldiers with tomato sauce to dip into ... fantastic! (And trying to stop my brother and sister from nicking my soldiers ... they always took my favourite one!!)
Marmite is such a healthy, low fat food, with a high B-vitamin content, as well as riboflavin and niacin.
And it goes fab with peanut butter ... and bananas!!
Don't knock it till you try it!
Today's snack was the same as yesterday, my Little Pot of Loveliness, again with raspberries. One of my favourite things at the moment so likely to figure most days.
I also added a sprinkling of chia seeds. These are billed as natures most nutritious grain, high in Omega 3 and Omega 6 essential fatty acids, antioxidants , fibres and complete proteins.
They are billed as 'the dieters dream', as when a chia seed is exposed to water, it forms a coating of gel, increasing its size and weight, keeping you feeling fuller for longer. They can also help balance your blood sugar levels, the gelling action of the seed, with its combination of soluble and insoluble fibre combine to slow down your body's conversion of starches into sugar, ensuring steady, constant energy throughout your day. Sprinkle them on your salads, into your porridge, soups etc etc.
One of my oh so much needed homemade Magical Energy Bars and a half glass of chocolate protein shake.
My colleague Ian keeps bringing me in a load of courgettes which he grows. I normally grow them myself with lots of other veg, but this year we thought we would be moving so I didn't bother with growing anything as didn't want to leave my rewards for someone else to enjoy ... am selfish like that ;)
I love courgettes, Matthew hates them. I always try and disguise them in whatever I put them in, he always finds them and leaves a pile on the side of his plate.
So I sat there racking my brain today as to what to do with them, then remembered watching something this week where they made fritters! Ideal!
I also remembered a recipe from one of the Cook Yourself Thin books for sweetcorn fritters which we used to love for Sunday breakfast/brunch, and I had some sweetcorn cobs in the fridge to use, so I came up with this:-
1 courgette
2 sweetcorn cobs
1 red chilli
3 spring onions
3 dessert spoons plain flour
1 egg
2 dessert spoons 0% natural yogurt
First of all, I grated the courgette. I then put this into a sieve over a bowl and sprinkled it with salt. Placing a dish on top with two tins as weights I left it for most of the liquid to drain out, took a couple of hours
I stripped the corn off the cobs with a sharp knife and put them in a mixing bowl, with the drained grated courgettes. Thinly sliced the spring onions and chilli and added to the bowl, along with the flour, egg and yogurt and gave a good stir until all combined.
I then sprayed a non stick pan with fry light, heated it up and dropped 3 large spoonfuls of the mix into the pan, flattening each spoonful out. Cooked for about 4 minutes till browned then flipped over and did the other side. Removed to a warm plate and did the same with the remaining mix. It made 6 in total (so I get two for my breakfast tomorrow :) )
I served these with some chicken which I had cut into cubes and marinated all afternoon in mango chutney, lime pickle, 0% yogurt and red chilli flakes. I cooked these in the actifry whilst making the fritters, but you could either make them into kebabs and cook under the grill or pan fry them.
I also prepared a lovely salad of spinach, red onion, mixed tomatoes and avocado dressed with balsamic vinegar.
All I can say is .........
........ Matthew cleared his plate, no courgettes left on the side!!!! (It's like feeding a child!)
So today being a Tuesday meant gym day!!! Yayyy!! I genuinely do look forward to it every time!
My gym sessions are based around the corded resistance weight machines. I usually do the bike and the running machine (walking very fast) at the start, 10 minutes on each, but at the moment my foot is playing up (plantar fasciitis), was infact very painful today, so I left them out. I don't particularly enjoy the cardio machines anyway, they bore me, I find them a chore and am always chomping at the bit to get to the weights. I prefer to get my cardio from swimming.
When reading my new book, A Woman's Guide to Muscle and Strength, last night, one of the things that stood out for me was regarding the weight of the load you lift/push. I am always conscious anyway that I push higher than a lot of the women do in the gym, and have always been a bit embarrassed about it thinking people will think 'look at that heffer, no wonder she can push high'!! (Truth is nobody takes any notice anyway!!). I have also always had good strong core muscles installed from my gymnastic days so always had some good strength. However, I still push a weight that I am comfortable with and doesn't stress me 'too' much, just breaks a sweat!
I will quote from the book:-
'Overload dictates that for any physiological system (e.g heart, skeletal muscles, lungs) to improve its function, it must be exposed to a load that is greater than normal. If you are lifting loads that are about the same that you perform in your everyday life, you will not achieve overload, or any strength gains. For muscle to get bigger, stronger and more defined, the loads must be great enough to cause physiological fatigue (within a predetermined amount of time) and require recovery.'
So basically, by going up to the next weight load, it would take me out of my comfort zone, push my muscles and intensify my workout. To see changes in your muscles, you need to lift weights that are heavy enough to enduce a fatigue response, achieving overload.
So thats what I did! Just up to the next level and it really made a difference. It wasn't so hard that I had to force and strain myself with every push, but it also wasn't comfortable, I could feel the extra stress and by the end of each set of reps I was ready to stop. I usually do, depending on what machine, 5 reps of 10, 15 or 20. I could really feel the muscles working, almost popping, and it was a great feeling! I loved it.
So I shall continue with that until that weight again becomes too comfortable and then up it again.
I must stress I am not looking to become the next Jodie Marsh (god forbid) or muscle bound Mary. I am merely trying to build my strength, tone my body up, decrease my fat and increase my lean mass.
It is a myth that if a woman pushes a heavy weight like men she will build huge muscles like men, that is simply not true. We are built different, we do not produce as much testosterone as men.
Again,I will quote from the book:-
'Contrary to many women's concerns, strength training using heavy weights won't result in large, body builder-type physiques. However, some women still fear that it will bulk them up in unfeminine ways. Women who strive to become competitive bodybuilders work out for several hours a day using a variety of exercise techinques, and a large percentage of their training combines very heavy workloads'
'Men and women who train similarly can increase their muscle strength, but because women have lower levels of testosterone and fewer and smaller muscle fibers than men do, they cannot increase muscle size the way men can'
See.... you learn something everyday!!!
Thanks again for reading
Marmite and banana eh, sounds erm interesting, might have to give it a go. I too am a marmite lover!
ReplyDeleteOoooo its fab, I promise!!! Marmite goes with everything as far as I'm concerned! ;)