One of my friends has recently started following the Slimming World diet. There is nothing wrong with that, it is a pretty healthy eating plan to follow, apart from some of the processed foods they encourage you to eat, but it works for some, my sister included who has done incredibly well on it. I have tried to follow it before a couple of times, but it isn't for me, and we all have to find our own way and what works for us.
However, one thing I have heard from a few people who follow it mention, my friend and sister included, is that they have trouble with 'going to the toilet', you know, 'bowel action', which they find hard to understand as they are eating lots of fibre and fruit and vegetables.
My friend listed out what she was eating and it all sounded very healthy and nutritious, lots of fruit and vegetables and fibre, I couldn't see what the problem was, not that I am an expert. Until one of my other friends pointed out that there was no fat included whatsoever, and you need good fats for 'lubrication' so to speak.
Ofcourse!!! So obvious!! I harp on about eating good fats as they are so beneficial to your body, but I hadn't even twigged that this was another benefit of them.
Slimming World, and other such diet plans, don't encourage the consumption of healthy oils, nuts and seeds, peanut butter, avocado's etc as it is all 'synned' or high calorie or whatever.
That may be, but in moderation they are so much more beneficial to your body in every way compared to a processed dried pasta snack or a packet of so-called low-fat potato snack which offer no nutritional benefits to you whatsoever.
We are all told that healthy fats are good for your heart, your brain, your skin, your cholesterol etc etc, which ofcourse they are, but they are also good for your poo!!!!
It's important to have healthy fats in a diet as much as any other nutrient. Eating monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat can actually help your body burn fat, since it burns fat as fuel instead of storing it.
Polyunsaturated fats help build muscle, lower cholesterol and blood pressure; where as monounsaturated fats focus more on your heart. Eating a diet rich in healthy fat can increase the length of your workout, producing energy and flexibility and bones and joints
So, just a quick blog today to share with you the recipe for my fabulous 5 nut and root vegetable roast which we had for dinner tonight ..... packed to the rafters with good fats!!!

Once roasted grind them in a food processor until roughly chopped and quite small but not fine.
In a bowl grate or finely chop a couple of parsnips, a couple of carrots and a sweet potato. Add the nuts.
Blitz a slice of wholemeal bread to breadcrumbs and add to the bowl.
Crack in an egg or two, beaten, and a teaspoon or two of marmite, or vegemite, or yeast extract, whichever you prefer.
Add a good pinch of white pepper, a teaspoon of sundried tomato paste and a handful of chopped fresh rosemary and give it all a good mix.
Spray a loaf tin with some olive oil and spoon the mixture in, packing it down tightly.
Place in a pre-heated oven at about 180oc and bake for approximately 45-50 minutes until browned and crisp on top.
Turn out onto a plate, this will slice into about 6-8 portions.
I served it with some potatoes, parsnips and sweet potatoes roasted in the actifry and some steamed tenderstem broccoli and brussel sprouts. A good dollop of horseradish sauce goes amazingly well with it too!!!
There is loads left over so I will slice it up and freeze it!